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E-Commerce Guide for Online Sales

New Online Store? Your Guide to Available E-Commerce Credit Card Payment Services

Did you know that e-commerce accounts for nearly 15% of retail sales in North America?

It’s also responsible for influencing 60% of online retail sales.

If you’re setting up an online store, you can rest assured knowing you’re stepping into a lucrative world!

But you’ll also need to decide on payment options for accepting credit and debit cards online.

How your customers pay for your products is more important than most entrepreneurs realize.

Luckily, there are plenty of payment solutions out there, and we’re here to walk you through them. Keep reading for insight into e-commerce payment services!

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Rising fees for accepting card payments.

8 Signs You’re Not Getting the Lowest Credit Card Processing Fees

There are currently more than 30 million small businesses operating in the United States covering hundreds of different industries. No matter what their industry is, they all have one thing in common: They need to be able to process all card payments without paying all the fees providers create.

For most business owners, offering credit and debit card transactions is a no-brainer. Finding a company that offers the lowest credit card processing fees and guarantees to keep it there can be tough. Don’t panic. Here are a few signs you’re paying too much in fees and if it’s time to start thinking about finding a new provider.

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